Corporate Private Detective Claes Ekman, Walhallen Europadetektiv, has been retained by the parents of Jiayi Yang, aged 26, from China. Ms Yang, a medical student at Aarhus University in Denmark, disappeared after visiting Norway and Sweden a few years ago. Her passport and personal belongings were found in her student room. Please contact us,, or tel +46(0)730983700, if you have seen Ms Yang. There is a reward from her parents.
Press release to: New York Times, Miami Herald, Boston Globe, Los Angelse Times, Financial Times, The Economist, Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Aftonbladet, Newsweek, Global Times (China) et al.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2017 06:59 AM
Subject: Fwd: Mystery / Enigma / Riddle with missing Chinese women in Sweden / Denmark / Norway.
Subject: Mystery / Enigma / Riddle with missing Chinese women in Sweden / Scandinavia.
Ms Jiayi Yang - Private Detective Claes Ekman
Corporate Private Detective Claes Ekman of Walhallen Europadetektiv AB,, has been retained by the parents of Jiayi Yang (picture enclosed). Ms Yang, aged 26, who studied medicine at the University of Aarhus in Denmark, visited Norway and Sweden in September of this year, and has not been heard of since the 19th of that month, her passport and personal belongings found in her dormitory.
Mr Ekman, a seasoned private investigator, who specialises in searching for missing people, says: “There is a pattern with over 240 Chinese women missing in Scandinavia during the last few years,” see, and as always guaranteeing results, he finds this challenge irresistable.
Many sources imply the Chinese women end up abroad, suggesting among other countries Ireland, Portugal, USA and Saudi Arabia.
Mr Ekman states: “I accepted this case on a pro bono basis, costs covered, as I sense there are many lurking disasters around the corner. We will go to the bottom of this, even if that means the bottom of the South China Sea, stirring up some pretty big fish. Deep waters do not have to be still. You learn in my business there aren’t any rules; you are dealing with infinitely variable factors – the human heart and mind."
(You may use the attached photographs as you wish, and we will keep you updated of the mission, its solution and consequences.)
Stockholm November 2017
PS. Even Michael Fassbender states after finishing his latest success movie – The Counselor: ”I had no idea that so many young girls actually disappear - completely vanish - before shooting this film." Ipso facto.
Walhallen Europadetektiv, as a private detective - private investigator organization, was in 2016 retained by British TV to locate Tom Evans - a 25-year-old British Muslim convert - and his acquaintances throughout Europe. Tom had joined Al-Shabaab and was subsequently killed during skirmishes in Africa. If you have any information regarding Tom's earlier activities and whereabouts [that you consider worthy of our attention], please call Private Detective Claes Ekman, +46730983700, MI5 (British Military Intelligence, Section 5), or Scotland Yard directly. Thank you!
This is Rakhmat Akilov from Uzbekistan who took five innocent lives - including that of a nine-year-old girl from Uddevalla - in Stockholm during April 2017. This individual's only comment after being arrested: "I have killed none but infidels." We need commitment, a systematic scientific approach and common sense; no secretive political cabal, no more. We might quote Blaise Pascal: “It is not certain that we shall see tomorrow; but it is certainly possible that we shall not."
During 2015-2016 we were retained to locate some Russian-born persons - a few know exactly whom - and they might be travelling with an Ali Fezail. We do not exclude any Islamic State (IS) actions, albeit are unaware and ignorant of any details. If you have any further important information to convey, please call Private Detective Claes Ekman +46730983700, FSB (Federalnaja sluzjba bezopasnost Rossijskoj Federatsii), or your local police / Europol immediately. Thank you!

International Private Detective / Private Investigator Claes Ekman in Sweden after a 10-day corporate investigation journey throughout Europe and USA.
Private Detective Claes Ekman at a recent press conference in Göteborg, Sweden.
This is Luigi Filosa - Costruzioni e Prodotti Edili di Lui - from Naples (Neapel), much wanted by Walhallen Europadetektiv for a great many reasons, above them one in particular. Luigi might hide in Slovenia.
Private Detective Claes Ekman on a corporate investigation mission in a revolutionary Kiev.
Private Detective Claes Ekman negotiating corporate investigator assignments in Russia, USA and China during a short stint in Kiev.
Former Russian Intelligence officer Masha interviewed and retained as [a] station manager for Walhallen Europadetektiv in Kiev.
Walhallen is a licensed private detective / private investor group with associates / offices in nine countries (USA - Brazil - France - Germany - Sweden - Ukraine - Russia - China - Kenya) and ten cities (New York - Dallas - São Paolo - Paris - Berlin - Stockholm - Kiev - Moscow - Beijing - Nairobi. We specialize as private fraud / finance / business / matrimonial / commerce / industry detective-s / investigator-s.
In a society, and in the global contemporary community, where Schadenfreude, ignorance and negligence are prevalent, there is a need for accurate data on people. If you know the whereabouts, condition, present business / marital status et cetera, of any of the persons listed below, please contact our Chief Detective Lothar Peters,, and find out why we are interested to know. Remunerated tips have on several occasions exceeded $15.000:00 in payment.
Information is in principle like any other commodity, and as average people always come with the most expensive detective solutions, we are searching for a reasonable avenue. Governments keep shifting the goalposts, albeit we have to move beyond complaining. Most of what we do is risky and long-term. But if the private detective / private investigator world does not act, who will? Aquila non capit muscas - "An eagle does not catch (does not bother with) flies."
Thank you in advance.
Robert Pinar a k a Robert Ljung
Josef Staszak
Marious Piontec a k a Marius Piatek
Malgorzata Zyla
Britt Larsson, Lilla Essingen, Stockholm
John Turnbull-Smith
Emile Camp
Barry and Honey Sherman, Toronto, Canada
Thord Anders Binnmyr - Moscow / New York
Luigi Filosa - Costruzioni e Prodotti Edili di Lui
Andreas Oscarsson - Sweden / USA
Jean Laposte
Mariam Ahmed Saeed
Oleg Sedov (patronymic Viktorovich) - Олег Седов (отчество Викторович)
May On-Wong
Robert Khazanov - (Роберт Хазанов)
Ladislav von Fabianic
Police and the general population were looking for a murderer and some kind of deus ex machina. Tishko Ahmed Shaboz from Iraqi Kurdistan has now been convicted of murdering 17-year old Wilma from Uddevalla in 2019. Who will protect our young in the future; PPP (police, politicians, parents)? Vae victis (hopefully) and La Débâcle. To reverse today’s destructive political and cultural trends we must reverse men’s fundamental philosophy. If you don’t know what I am talking about, I couldn’t possibly explain it. If you do – I have you, already, without saying anything further.
Sakariye Ali Ahmed, 17 year old, has been convicted of - without reason; unprovoked - murdering 33-year old police sergeant Andreas Danman during 2021. Mr Danman had a pregnant fiancée at home.