Walhallen is a licensed private detective / private investigator group with associates / offices in nine countries (USA - Brazil - France - Germany - Sweden - Ukraine - Russia - China - Kenya) and ten cities (New York - Dallas - São Paolo - Paris - Berlin - Stockholm - Kiev - Moscow - Beijing - Nairobi). We specialize as private fraud / finance / business / matrimonial / commerce / industry detective-s / investigator-s.
Private Detective / Private Investigator Internet / Cyber Security in USA, Canada, Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Europe (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, France, Holland, England, Italy, Spain, et seq).
www.privatdetektiv-walhallen.com www.private-detective-walhallen.com www.walhallen.net www.walhallen.com www.wiiic.org www.europadetektiv.com
Global Emergency Detective Telephone-s:
+46 730 983 700 (Europe-Asia-Middle East-Africa)
+1 205 2583 700 (North America/USA-Canada-Mexico - South America/Brazil-Argentine et seq.)
In general, we are looking to recruit persons who - beyond having shown verifiable boldness and initiative - can find things out for themselves; for no one without imagination was ever very great in his/her profession. If imagination makes for honour in many things, it will, above all, honour you in the internet detective/cyber-security competition. Also, always bear in mind, given human nature, that good internet/cyber-security counsels, whence soever they come and are implemented, are born of the mandate and wisdom of the principal/client, not vice versa; and before we can connect the dots, first we have to collect the dots. Internet/Cyber-security is about people as much as it is about technology. For individuals ready, willing and able to double as private detective-s/private investigator-s and/or body-guards globally - in addition to earning an excellent salary - this is an extraordinary opportunity.
Moscow - St Petersburg, Russia; C++, Internet / Cyber Security
Walhallen wishes to recruit, perhaps initially on a part-time basis, a consummate internet / cyber-security consultant for undertakings mainly in Russia/Eastern Europe. We would expect an excellent academic record, a M.Sc. in computer programming, or a similar degree, as well as an ability to undertake and maintain whole internet / cyber-security assignments from approach to finish.
A suitable background for the right applicant would be from either the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation - FSB (Federal'naya sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii), the Foreign Intelligence Service - SVR (Sluzhba vneshney razvedki), the Main Intelligence Agency - GRU (Glavnoye razvedyvatel'noye upravleniye), or from academia/general business - in an internet-dependent context - motivated to successfully complete assignments on behalf of clients.
Linguistic competence overall would be highly valued, as we operate at the behest of clients/customers from all corners of the world. Remuneration, pension et cetera will be very competitive. Please submit your application - which will be handled with the strictest measure of confidentiality - to central@walhallen.net marked "Internet/cyber-security.2122"
Kiev, Ukraine; C++, Internet / Cyber Security
Walhallen wishes to recruit, perhaps initially on a part-time basis, a consummate internet / cyber-security consultant for undertakings mainly in Ukraine/Eastern Europe. We would expect an excellent academic record, a M.Sc. in computer programming, or a similar degree, as well as an ability to undertake and maintain whole internet / cyber-security assignments from approach to finish.
A suitable background for the right applicant would be from either the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine - SZRU (Sluzhba zovnishn’oyi rozvidky Ukrayiny), the Security Service of Ukraine - SBU (Sluzhba Bezpeky Ukrayiny), the "Berkut" Separate Special Assignment Unit(s) of Militsiya - Бе́ркут, or from academia/general business - in an internet-dependent context - motivated to successfully complete assignments on behalf of clients.
Linguistic competence overall would be highly valued, as we operate at the behest of clients/customers from all corners of the world. Remuneration, pension et cetera will be very competitive. Please submit your application - which will be handled with the strictest measure of confidentiality - to central@walhallen.net marked "Internet/cyber-security.2123"
London, England; C++, Internet / Cyber Security
Walhallen wishes to recruit, perhaps initially on a part-time basis, a consummate internet / cyber-security consultant for undertakings mainly in England/Western Europe. We would expect an excellent academic record, a M.Sc. in computer programming, or a similar degree, as well as an ability to undertake and maintain whole internet / cyber-security assignments from approach to finish.
A suitable background for the right applicant would be from either the British Military Intelligence - (MI5, or MI6), the Scotland Yard, the Special Air Services - SAS, the Government Communications Headquarters - GCHQ, or from academia/general business - in an internet-dependent context - motivated to successfully complete assignments on behalf of clients.
Linguistic competence overall would be highly valued, as we operate at the behest of clients/customers from all corners of the world. Remuneration, pension et cetera will be very competitive. Please submit your application - which will be handled with the strictest measure of confidentiality - to central@walhallen.net marked "Internet/cyber-security.2124"
New York - Dallas, USA; C++, Internet / Cyber Security
Walhallen wishes to recruit, perhaps initially on a part-time basis, a consummate internet / cyber-security consultant for undertakings mainly in USA/the Americas. We would expect an excellent academic record, a M.Sc. in computer programming, or a similar degree, as well as an ability to undertake and maintain whole internet / cyber-security assignments from approach to finish.
A suitable background for the right applicant would be from either the Federal Bureau of Investigation - FBI, the Central Intelligence Agency - CIA, the National Security Agency - NSA, or from academia/general business - in an internet-dependent context - motivated to successfully complete assignments on behalf of clients.
Linguistic competence overall would be highly valued, as we operate at the behest of clients/customers from all corners of the world. Remuneration, pension et cetera will be very competitive. Please submit your application - which will be handled with the strictest measure of confidentiality - to central@walhallen.net marked "Internet/cyber-security.2125"
Additional qualities - such as ratings qualifying a partner to handle this machine that we use on a regular basis - would certainly be a merit.
Beau Abbott, based in Dallas, Texas, is Walhallen's special private detective / private investigator in North / South America - i e, USA, Canada, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Argentine, et seq. Beau has intelligence experience throughout the area during more than 30 years. See Ted Gunderson - formerly head of the Los Angeles FBI - interview Beau on YouTube. In order to retain Beau alongside ourselves for private and corporate assignments, please mail us at info@walhallen.net.
Globally, American / USA-based corporations, organizations and individuals account for more than half of Walhallen Private Detective – Private Investigator Group’s client portfolio.

Private Detective Claes Ekman enroute to a media conference elaborating on financial crimes related to cyber-security deficiencies.
Private Detective Anna Bloch has a long experience of investigative work throughout the Russian Federation and CIS countries. Anna has a degree in criminology.
Private Detective Bogdan Kotenko has a lawyer's degree from Kyiv National University. Before joining Walhallen as responsible for our cyber-security / internet security, Bogdan operated as a military detective within SSU (State Security of Ukraine) for a great many years.
Private Detective Claes Ekman on a corporate fraud and Cyber-security mission in Kiev, Ukraine, during July 2021.
Marta Occam is mastering our global private detective / private investigator operatives' planning and implementation from "a location". Marta has a degree in Pedagogic Science - which is sometimes extremely useful coordinating crafty and wily international operatives.
Celine Makarova is a Walhallen Special Operative / Private Detective since a great many years. Celine has wide experience of investigative assignments throughout the Middle East, Asia and North America.
Private Detective / Private Investigator Claes Ekman being interviewed in Kiev, Ukraine

Viktoria Brauschitz is a fully qualified Walhallen lawyer operating throughout Europe on marital issues, child custody, alimony, etc. You will not find Viktoria without "Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch-BGB" in her briefcase.
Private Detective Claes Ekman in our ante-office room in Kiev during a progressing war with Russia / Krasnaya Armiya.
Private Detective Claes Ekman on a caper in Germany during the epidemic.
Noura Amrani with a great many years of "intelligence Gestion" coordinates Walhallen Europadetektiv's / Bureau Ekman's investigative actives throughout Africa, based in Casablanca, Morocco.
Despite some minor defeats, spirits in Kyiv remain high.
Missiles from "Osten" miss crucial targets, but still arrive. The "Evil Empires" may have chosen to commence a war also with Bureau Ekman, albeit, should have chosen another bear to poke with. Our creative detective work and combined global intelligence logistics continue undeterred. Will Bureau Ekman eventually come to clash directly with Wagner Group; or is it already "a developing reality"?
Private Detective Claes Ekman - www.bureau-ekman.com - manages an investigative case "en passant & en route" from Kyiv to Stockholm thru Bucharest.
Some negotiations took place a few kilometers away from the world's largest building - 200 square meters larger than the Pentagon building. (The history of Romania [has] learnt us something: Do not trade with dictatorships; just do not. They will use any trade surplus to arm themselves, whether with atomic bombs, carriers, SS-300's.)
During a second war winter the traffic in Kiev continues undeterred and valiant.
Bureau Ekman with Operative Ivanka G. on a divorce / child custody detective caper in Hamburg, Germany, during March 2024.
Between "True Crime" documentary movies and regular detective missions there are lacunas to meet fans.
Bureau Ekman / Walhallen has merged and fusioned OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) with SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) into an All-Source Collection. Setting up a honeypot of appealing material in the targeted system often pull in the hackers. Some of these felons provide information as scarce as hen's teeth.

Private Detective Claes Ekman being debriefed by European media after a strange, extraordinary and esoteric caper in Africa.

In the desert surrounding Marrakech, and along its dark avenues, Bureau Ekman / Walhallen encounters not only migrant smugglers / human traffickers, albeit a dawning realization that world affairs can be ugly and require competent - as well as bold - detectives. Also Africa has a long history of contorting the truth to fit the policy of the day, and their governments are often as nimble as Jabba the Hutt. Men in Africa and the Middle East rise to great fortune more through fraud than through force, however.